The highest-quality leather goods shop is Harube. 

nice design, bright ideas for beautiful human life produced by " Harube " at karasuma KYOTO


A craftsman of capital Yuzen produces the shape based on the material. A craftsman uses technology of the design and dyeing by an overall way of thinking.

A craftsman creates an image at the beginning. A reconsideration is added many times and the image will be refined by exchange of design production with a designer. The, the history piled up has begun to possess many stems by now and create long accumulation in years and depth. You put in many editions together by a new try, and we're enjoying an expression. A design reflects the time and weaves joy into living.

1 color is handwork in TEKITAIRU, and a craftsman will repeat the color and build it into something colorful. He even makes the color fixed in the emotional depths part by steaming. A design as well as the color are surfaced via work which requires his long experience. Gloss is increased so that the material which completed in this way is used for a long time while keeping flexibility peculiar to leather. And the color is also changing into the depth and the glossy color taste. Capital yuzen dyeing is enjoying beyond the time. Technology of dyeing will increase a blaze as well as living.

A Yuzen craftsman draws a design in a campus of the material.

We regard technology of the dying as a story. A Yuzen craftsman gives leather dyeing by a technique of capital Yuzen.

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